C++ Books

Schildt, H. (2002) C++: A Beginner’s Guide – Essential Skills for First-Time Programmers, Osborne, McGraw-Hill

A more recent version of this book is available

More code is written in C++ than in any other existing programming language. This guide explains programming fundamentals and gives thorough coverage on all key aspects of C++, including data types, operators, arrays and functions.

Table of Contents

Ch. 1: C++ Fundamentals Ch. 2: Data Types and Operators Ch. 3: Program Control Statements Ch. 4: Arrays and Pointers Ch. 5: Functions Ch. 6: Classes and Objects Ch. 7: Operator Overloading Ch. 8: Inheritance, Virtual Functions, and Polymorphism Ch. 9: Exception Handling Ch. 10: The C++ I/O System Ch. 11: Templates Ch. 12: Namespaces, RTTI, and Other Advanced Features Appendices Appendix 1: Answers Appendix 2: The C++ Preprocessor