The ODIN Project

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A fantastic resource which I have just come across:

“Learn Web Development for Free”

If you want to learn web development, you’ve come to the right place. We found the best free resources out there and grouped them into the courses listed below so you don’t have to waste time doing it yourself. We’ve also created projects for you to build along the way so you can really learn the material and boost your portfolio.

The courses are designed to be completed in order, so start from the top and work your way down. The best part is, it’s free!

Basically, this is the website we wish we’d had when we were learning on our own. So the ODIN Project stitched together a curriculum from the best resources they could find online and here it is. What you’ll learn:

  • Introduction to Web Development
    • This course will start from zero, answering the basic questions people have about the actual practice and career of web development. You’ll gain a much better understanding of what you’re about to get into!
  • Web Development 101
    • This course is for anyone who is either starting from scratch or who isn’t entirely comfortable with their understanding of the command line, HTML, CSS, Javascript, Ruby, web frameworks, Git, or other foundational technologies of web development. We cover a LOT of ground — by the end of this comprehensive course, you’ll be well prepared to take on our deep dive courses or explore further on your own.
  • Ruby Programming
    • Once you’ve completed Web Development 101, this course will take you deep into the wonderful world of Ruby. You’ll learn a combination of programming fundamentals and best practices and you will get the chance to build a variety of different projects along the way.
  • Ruby on Rails
    • Now that you’ve got a good grounding in Ruby, it’s time to put that to work by learning how to rapidly develop websites using Ruby on Rails. By the end of this course, you’ll be able to build and deploy a real website with confidence. In fact, you’ll do it many times.
  • HTML5 and CSS3
    • Now that you’re a pro in building website back ends, it’s time to take a good hard look at the front end so your sites will stop looking like ugly ducklings and you can really begin to understand the DOM. This shorter course will give you the tools to stop fighting with your CSS and start building more logically designed sites.
  • JavaScript and jQuery
    • The last component in your web development arsenal is the ability to make your front ends dynamically react to the user. In this course you’ll learn how to use Javascript and jQuery to interact with the DOM and make things like dropdown menus, parallax scroll effects, single page applications, and even games. It will tie together everything you’ve learned already into one awesome package.
  • Getting Hired as a Web Developer
    • You’ve come extremely far and are now a capable web developer, but, as you’ve probably realized, the journey of discovery has only just begun. Luckily, you’re now useful enough that others will pay you to keep building and learning. . . and in this short course, we’ll show you how to make that happen.