Web Accessibility Books

Sydik, J.J. (2007) Design Accessible Web Sites – Thirty-Six Keys to Creating Content for All audiences and Platforms, The Pragmatic Bookshelf

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Companion Web Site: https://pragprog.com/book/jsaccess/design-accessible-web-sites

It’s not a one-browser web anymore. You need to reach audiences that use cell phones, PDAs, game consoles, or other “alternative” browsers, as well as users with disabilities. Legal requirements for assistive technologies as well as a wide array of new browsing experiences means you need to concentrate on semantics, alternate access paths, and progressive enhancement.

Give your audience the power to interact with your content on their own terms. It’s the right thing to do, and with a $100 billion a year market for accessible content, new laws and new technologies, you can’t afford to ignore accessibility.

With this book, you’ll learn basic principles and techniques for developing accessible HTML, audio, video, and multimedia content. In addition, you will understand how to apply the principles you learn in this book to new technologies when they emerge.

You’ll learn how to:

  • Use best practices of accessibility to develop accessible web content
  • Build testing into projects to improve results and reduce costs
  • Create high quality alternative representations for your audience
  • Add accessibility features to external media like PDF and Flash
  • Negotiate the terrain of accessibility standards
  • Apply principles of accessiblity to new technologies as they emerge

“Accessibility” has a reputation of being dull, dry, and unfriendly toward graphic design. But there is a better way: well-styled semantic markup that lets you provide the best possible results for all of your users. This book will help you provide images, video, Flash and PDF in an accessible way that looks great to your sighted users, but is still accessible to all users.

It’s not a one-browser web anymore. You need to reach audiences that use cell phones, PDAs, game consoles, or other “alternative” browsers, as well as users with disabilities. Legal requirements for assistive technologies as well as a wide array of new browsing experiences means you need to concentrate on semantics, alternate access paths, and progressive enhancement.

Give your audience the power to interact with your content on their own terms. It’s the right thing to do, and with a $100 billion a year market for accessible content, new laws and new technologies, you can’t afford to ignore accessibility.

With this book, you’ll learn basic principles and techniques for developing accessible HTML, audio, video, and multimedia content. In addition, you will understand how to apply the principles you learn in this book to new technologies when they emerge.

You’ll learn how to:

  • Use best practices of accessibility to develop accessible web content
  • Build testing into projects to improve results and reduce costs
  • Create high quality alternative representations for your audience
  • Add accessibility features to external media like PDF and Flash
  • Negotiate the terrain of accessibility standards
  • Apply principles of accessiblity to new technologies as they emerge
  1. Introduction to Database Development with Microsoft SQL Server 2005

    1. Chapter 1 Introducing Database Development with Microsoft SQL Server 2005

      1. The Process of Storing and Managing Data
      2. Introducing Database Systems
      3. Defining the Architecture of a Database Application
      4. Conclusion
    2. Chapter 2 Installing and Setting Up Your Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Development Environment

      1. Using a Virtual PC
      2. Recommended Productivity Tools
      3. Recommended Development Tools
      4. Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Editions
      5. Installing SQL Server 2005
      6. Conclusion
    3. Chapter 3 Reviewing Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Management Tools

      1. Introduction
      2. Using SQL Server Books Online
      3. Using SQL Server Configuration Manager
      4. Using SQL Server Surface Area Configuration
      5. Using SQL Server Management Studio
      6. Using SQL Server Profiler
      7. Using Database Engine Tuning Advisor
      8. Using SQLCmd
      9. Conclusion
  2. How to Create a Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Database

    1. Chapter 4 Gathering and Understanding Business Requirements before Creating Database Objects

      1. Understanding Business Processes and User Interaction Requirements
      2. Understanding Business Data and Its Lifetime
      3. Predicting the Volume of Information to Store and Manage and Predicting Database Utilization
      4. Conclusion
    2. Chapter 5 Designing a Database to Solve Business Needs

      1. Designing a Database Conceptually
      2. Designing a Database Logically to Leverage the Relational Engine
      3. Physically Creating a Database
      4. Conclusion
  3. How to Query Data from Microsoft SQL Server 2005

    1. Chapter 6 Reading Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Data from Client Applications

      1. Introducing Microsoft Data Access Components
      2. Introducing the .NET SQL Server Data Provider
      3. Introducing SQL Native Client
      4. Conclusion
    2. Chapter 7 Selecting the Data You Need

      1. Selecting Data from a Single Table
      2. Selecting Data from Multiple Tables
      3. Reading Single Values
      4. Reading Relational and XML Data
      5. Querying XML and Relational Data Using XQuery
      6. Sorting Data
      7. Conclusion
    3. Chapter 8 Creating Views to Encapsulate Queries

      1. Selecting Data from a Single View
      2. Mixing Data from Views and Tables
      3. Working with Views within Client Applications
      4. Conclusion
    4. Chapter 9 Retrieving Data Using Programmable Objects

      1. Introduction
      2. Working through a Simple Problem
      3. Common Language Runtime UDFs and Procedures
      4. Conclusion
  4. How to Modify Data in Microsoft SQL Server 2005

    1. Chapter 10 Inserting Data in Microsoft SQL Server 2005

      1. Using the INSERT Statement
      2. Inserting Data through Views
      3. Importing Data into SQL Server 2005
      4. Using Integration Services to Insert Data
      5. Encapsulating Insert Operations in Stored Procedures
      6. Triggering Actions Automatically when Inserting Data
      7. Dealing with Errors when Inserting Data
      8. Inserting Data from ADO.NET
      9. Conclusion
    2. Chapter 11 Deleting Data from Microsoft SQL Server 2005

      1. Using the DELETE Statement
      2. Deleting Data through Views
      3. Encapsulating Delete Operations in Stored Procedures
      4. Dealing with Errors
      5. Deleting Data from ADO.NET
      6. Conclusion
    3. Chapter 12 Updating Data from Microsoft SQL Server 2005

      1. Using the UPDATE Statement
      2. Updating Data through Views
      3. Encapsulating Update Operations in Stored Procedures
      4. Triggering Actions Automatically when Updating Data
      5. Dealing with Errors
      6. Updating Data from ADO.NET
      7. Conclusion

Thatcher, J. , Burks, M. , Heilmann, C., Henry, S. L., Kirkpatrick, A., Lauke, P. H., Lawson, B., Regan, B., Rutter, R., Urban, M. and Waddell, C.D. (2006) Web Accessibility: Web Standards and Regulatory Compliance, friendsofEd, Apress

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Companion Web Site: http://jimthatcher.com/book2.htm

The power of the Web lies in the fact that anyone and everyone can access it, and this should also extend to users with disabilities. Accessibility is about making websites accessible to those with aural, visual, or physical disabilities, or rather, constructing websites that don’t exclude these people from accessing the content or services provided. This isn’t difficult to accomplish and doesn’t require anything more than your normal tool set-HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Flash, or whatever else. All you need to do is use these tools in the right way, and bear in mind the guidelines that exist to help you keep your websites accessible and the laws that enforce web accessibility around the world. This book gives you all you need to know about web accessibility, whether you are a web designer or developer who wants your sites to be accessible, or a business manager who wants to learn what impact the web accessibility laws have on your websites. After an overview of the accessibility law and guidelines, and a discussion about accessibility and its implementation in the enterprise, the book goes on to show how to implement accessible websites using a combination of concise references and easy-to-follow examples, covering: Understanding assistive technologies Creating accessible content using XHTML, JavaScript, CSS, Flash, and PDFs Testing against WCAG (including 2.0) and Section 508 Retrofitting inaccessible sites where necessary The book concludes with an in-depth analysis of accessibility law around the world. If you’re concerned about the legal and moral implications of web accessibility, then this book is perfect for you. It is written by some of the world’s experts on accessibility, leaving you in good hands.

Table of Contents

Here’s the Table of Contents of Web Accessibility: Web Standards and Regulatory Compliance.

    • Chapter 1: Understanding Web Accessibility
    • Chapter 2: Overview of Law and Guidelines
    • Chapter 3: Implementing Accessibility in the Enterprise
    • Chapter 4: Overview of Accessible Technologies
    • Chapter 5: Assistive Technology: Screen Readers and Browsers
    • Chapter 6: Accessible Content
    • Chapter 7: Accessible Navigation
    • Chapter 8: Accessible Data Input
    • Chapter 9: CSS for Accessible Web Pages
    • Chapter 10: Accessible JavaScript
    • Chapter 11: Accessible Flash
    • Chapter 12: PDF Accessibility
    • Chapter 13: Accessibility Testing
    • Chapter 14: Introduction to WCAG 2.0
    • Chapter 15: Retrofitting Case Study: Redesign of a University Website
    • Chapter 16: U.S. Web Accessibility Law in Depth
    • Chapter 17: Worldwide Accessibility Laws and Policies
    • Appendix A: Glossary of Terms
    • Appendix B: Guide to the Section 508 Standards for Electronic and Information Technology
    • Appendix C: Overview of PAS 78 Guide to Good Practice in Commissioning Accessible Websites